Friday, July 27, 2012

Say No to Nuclear - Joining the Japanese anti nuclear campaign

Hello, today I show another of my own designs in solidarity with the Japanese anti-nuclear power movement. I was inspired by the Japanese cartoons, and samurai movies. Zazzle is hosting it, and you can get it in dozens of different products, sizes, and styles. I really like how flexible is, but they have changed their website and now to access all the products, you have to press the tiny link under a design. Oh well, I just want to show it  here. I do feel nuclear power should be banned, at least until we as humans can really learn how to use it in a safe way. And the fact is, that Japan has been doing well for over one year, without nuclear power, so why turning the plants on again, and risk another disaster?, is money all these executives care about?, what about the long time effects of radiation, like cancer, etc. Gosh you would think that after suffering 2 nuclear blasts, having nuclear plants all over the country wold be the last thing they would think about doing, but no...
Anyway, hope you enjoy the design, and if you have an idea for another one, let me know. I haven't sell my first item yet :( but is kind of new, and again, hope you like it.

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